Weco Shipping has a fleet of more than 50 vessels, 45 employees and offices in Denmark, Switzerland, USA, Singapore and Brazil.
Weco Shipping consists of:
Weco Bulk
Weco Bulk operates a growing fleet of Handy, Supra and Ultramax vessels, providing services worldwide to shipping companies and business enterprises, as a dry bulk provider of maritime transport and logistical services
Weco Tankers
Weco Tankers own, charter and commercially manage a fleet of MR tankers. With focus on the cross trade between IMO II-III cargoes and petroleum products, we are always at the forefront innovating the ever-changing shipping world.
Weco Bulk
Rungsted Strandvej 113,
2960 Rungsted Kyst, Denmark
Phone +45 45 17 77 77
Chief Executive Officer
Jakob Vissing
Mobile +45 21 51 64 44
Email jvi@wecobulk.com
Web www.wecobulk.com
Weco Tankers
Rungsted Strandvej 113,
2960 Rungsted Kyst, Denmark
Phone +45 45 17 77 77
Chief Executive Officer
Johnny Schmølker
Mobile +45 20 30 09 76
Email jsc@wecotankers.com
Web www.wecotankers.com
Weco Shipping
Rungsted Strandvej 113,
2960 Rungsted Kyst, Denmark
Phone +45 45 17 77 77
Chief Executive Officer
Rasmus Lund-Jacobsen
Mobile +45 21 51 45 18
Email rlu@wecoshipping.com
Web www.wecoshipping.com